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UK Sniffer Dogs
Scent Detection

Would you like to start a new hobby with your dog?

​Does your dog seem to need endless hours of physical exercise in order to tire?​

Do you have a working breed and want to give them a "job" to do?

Does your dog love scent-based enrichment and sniffing on walks?


If you answered yes to any of the above, then UK Sniffer Dogs group training classes/workshops are for you! 


Progress through Bronze, Silver and Gold levels to develop your dog into the ulti-mutt sniffer dog.


Dogs of all ages, abilities and breed are welcome. And yes, this even includes dogs who have been working through human or dog reactivity.​​


This class covers...

Scent Identification (4 different scents across all levels of this class)

Searching the Target Scent

Passive and Active Indications (telling you where the scent is)

Pipe Searches

Bag Searches

Chair Searches

Vehicle Searches 

Novel Searches

People Searches (Gold level)

A fun time trial at the end to test your dog's sniffing speed against other class members

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What's Included?

6-week class or 4 x 2-hour workshops

A Sniffer Dog Starter Pack including: Red KONG chunks, treats, vials, tweezers, and a magnetised scent tin to carry on the training at home (for those on the 6-week course or who enroll on both workshops)

Access to an exclusive Facebook group

A group WhatsApp to share successes, challenges & tips

Follow-up notes after sessions to recap the learning covered

Unlimited support between sessions

Discount codes for a range of products

Lifetime SOS calls

A fixed rate for Private Sessions during class (£40)

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Benefits of Scentwork


Tire out your dog’s brain so they are calmer at home and on walks.


15 minutes of intense sniffing is as tiring as an hour-long run.


Scientifically proven, sniffing releases happy endorphins.


Suitable for puppies, older dogs, dogs in recovery, nervous dogs, reactive dogs, etc.


Scentwork is mindfulness for dogs! It gives stressed or anxious dogs something better to focus on.

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6-week Class

This service breaks the course into digestible 1-hour sessions to build up your dog's success. You will be able to work through 6 grades to track your progress and celebrate those epic wins!


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 4  x 2-hour Workshops (Series 1 & 2 )

This is a more intensive service that condenses all the learning covered in the 6-week class into 2-hours at a time. Series 1 and 2 both run over two weeks with 2-hour slots each week.

£75/Series 1 or 2, £140 for both

Get in touch about UK Sniffer Dog Classes

Based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire


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